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BCIC October 2014

Here is the agenda (and minutes) for the October 9, 2014, BCIC meeting (slides). The meeting is 8:30-10:30a and will be held in the Rodax 8 Large Conference Room.

Welcomes and Introductions

Updates and News

SED Updates
It is expected that there are a number of K-12 items on the Regents' October Agenda. These will be reported in the November SED Update.
Legislative Updates
Whether or not there is any publicity about the Technology Bond act is unclear. So far, things have been quiet. There are some signs that there are groups who will advertise against it. It appears that there are questions about whether this is the right way to fund such purchases and there is worry that this will negatively impact other areas of education funding. The Governor tens to lump all types of education funding together when he describes increases. Given that, this money could potentially limit other necessary funding increases.
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment (CI&A) (webpage)
Regional opportunities are being scheduled in addition to the customized training and coaching for districts. To view the current listing, click here.
Instructional Technology & Design at the CNYRIC (webpage)
The ITD TALKS session about flipped classrooms is October 22nd.
Teacher Centers
Events continue to be scheduled. As they are, an email is sent.
There will be continued funding for some of the professional collaboration groups.
Higher Education
No representative was present.
CNY NYS ASCD (webpage) meeting schedule for the year:
October 15, 2014 Teachers Talk about PBL. After a quick review of Project Based Learning (PBL), we’ll split up into like-groups to talk about our PBL experiences, lessons, and plans. Located at East Syracuse Minoa High School.
December 2, 2014 Pulling the Weeds. We all have “weeds” to pull from our schools to allow us to be more focused and productive. Let’s talk about the weeds we’ve been able to pull in our schools and talk about those that remain to be pulled. Located at West Genesee High School
February 12, 2015 Evidence of 6 & 7. NYS Teaching Standards 6 &7 are all about our actions as professionals. In the new APPR it is important to provide evidence of our professional responsibilities, collaboration, and growth. We’ll talk about these Teaching Standards and the evidence we use. Located at the SCSD Professional Development Center.
March 18, 2015 Visible Learning. We use the term “research-based strategies” quite frequently, but what are the teaching and school strategies that are actually most supported in research? Location TBA
May 13, 2015 Annual Meeting. Join us to celebrate another great year for CNY NYS ASCD and to start planning for the next. Location TBA

District Sharing

October: East Syracuse Minoa
Developing student leadership is part of their strategic plan. So, too, is service learning. The two have met through many intergenerational events they are planning and delivering to the community. Some events have been: "Music Across the Decades," and "Gameshows."
November: CNYLDP
December: Chittenango

Standards (and Curriculum)

Social Studies
Outline of the Changes (page)  (slides) 
Field Guide status -- still not out. 
Social Studies Leadership Network recruitment (first meeting is October 23rd)
Think about your approach to representation. Should it be the most eager volunteer or is it better to be strategic because these people will be presenting and sharing information back with the district.
Getting Ready for Social Studies regional project
Monthly 4-6p sessions (SG Grant, Greg Ahlquist, Pat Polan)
May 14 & 15 Getting Ready to Write Social Studies Curriculum with Jay McTighe
CI&A support for summer curriculum writing
Project Based Learning PBL Primer for BCIC (presentation by Joanne Keim)
8 Essentials checklist
PBL school rubric
PBL Administrator Training Courses
PBL 2015 dates are August 3-4-5 at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool (bigger so we don't have to turn anyone away)
PBL 101 cohorts are being added (and filling up) as fast as possible
Now booking for January (Henry location) and late January (McEvoy location)
PBL primers are scheduled to occur at all Principal Meetings
PBL coaching is occurring in 11 districts
PBL 401 leadership training and coaching will be offered later in the year, following presentations to all principal groups and BCIC
Literacy Leadership Network (next meetings are October 29th and November 19th)
General Session -- a prerequisite (November 17th)
Social Studies (December 2nd)
Science (December 3rd)
Special Areas (December 1st)
Literacy for Students with Severe Disabilities (October 21st session)
Genre Studies support has been requested and is scheduled. The first of two sessions is November 6th
The LLI overview was rescheduled for October 16th.
Geometry assessment decisions discussion suggests that students will take both exams in many districts.
Geometry implementation groups (October 17 at Henry Campus for the northern end of OCM region and October 24th meets at McEvoy; next sessions are November 14 and 21)
AIS/RtI in math networking will start soon (October 15th)

Data (and Assessment)

Assessment choices this year
We still maintain the Regional chart for tracking our choices about the assessments and modules

Professional Practice (APPR and Pedagogy)

Lead Evaluator Training is scheduled.
Principal Evaluator Training is scheduled.


Regional Vision Update (slides)
Community presentations
Innovation Tech Opening
Hartnett location update
PBL NY 2015 advance information
Edutopia participation
Buck Institute for Education participation
New Tech Network participation
Sam Saidel
Sarah Brown Wessling
Michael Gorman
Suzie Boss
More confirmations
Professional Learning Community
2014-2105 plans include ongoing support work -- first gathering is October 29th
Mike Mattos preparation materials (video and article) have been sent. Districts are strongly encouraged to use these with staff before attendance. There will also be follow-up after the event.
Planning series of Interactive Video Conferences to Connect Mike Mattos to PLC at Work Institute
The PLC at Work Institute is August 12-14, 2105. It is now being advertised by Solution Tree. Don't sign up with them, however. BOCES has discounted seats (not active yet).
Our PLC coaches will be trained in a Coaching for Coaches program from Solution Tree. 


District Race to the Top Planning & Self-Assessment
Resources you can use, including maps, plans, and assessment tools
What have you been able to do?
Resources to help you with this are posted.

Future Meeting Planning

The next BCIC meeting is November 13th in the Rodax 8 Large Conference Room. We'll have a special update on the part 154 regulation changes. Also, the focus will be writing. What would be helpful? At the December meeting we will have a presentation about the DSTDSE.