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BCIC January 2016

Here is the annotated agenda for the January 7, 2015, BCIC meeting (slides). The meeting is 8:30-10:30a and will be held in the Rodax 8 Large Conference Room. 

Welcomes and Introductions

Updates and News

SED Update
Legislative Updates
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment (CI&A) (webpage)
Literacy Leadership Network-meeting is February 24.
Instructional Coaches the next meeting will be Feb 10.
Social Studies Network session is February 25.   
Project Based Learning Regional Network will be March 31
Instructional Technology & Design at the CNYRIC (webpage)
The pilot project for coding continues to be a success.
Here’s the webpage for it and here’s a sample workbook that goes with it. 
A CoSer is being developed that will make this available to districts going forward.
Teacher Centers
Higher Education
CNY NYS ASCD (webpage)
March (West Genesee High School): Talking About Standards-Based Grading
May 11 (Laci’s Tapas Bar): Talking about CNY NYS ASCD
K-12 Counseling  Update 
ASCA National Model Training – Jan. 12th
Counselor Round Tables focused on ASCA model implementation – Feb. 4th, April 11th
NYS School Counselor Regulations/ASCA Model Training for teams of Administrator/Lead Counselor from each district  March 8th
Imagination Library (Ginny Carmody from the Literacy Coalition of Onondaga County and Frank Ridzi from LeMoyne College and the Literacy Foundation)
The program was described (slides are included in the meeting deck)
The research that was conducted in Onondaga County was shared (students 28.9% more likely to be ready for K)
Onondaga County has included support for all of the county in its budget
Madison County has implemented county-wide already
Cortland County implementation is occurring in a few communities/zip cods as it begins to expand

District Sharing

January: Fabius-Pompey (Imagination Library)
K readiness levels were the low and they wanted to address this in some way
The district started approximately one year ago
Not too expensive
Sent material home with the district newsletter
Secretary updates the records; it doesn't take too long
February: Baldwinsville
March: Liverpool (ENL)
April: Chittenango
May: FM
June: ESM

Standards (and Curriculum)

Social Studies
Summer Curriculum Work :
Two strands:
July 18-21
Registration open soon
Standards draft released Dec. 8th and will be open until Feb. 5th
Criteria referenced survey
Four focus areas (total of 43 questions)
Organization of standards
Clarity and specificity
Content and rigor
One question for general feedback
One question for general comments about implementation
Two more NYSSLS Draft Parties
Today at McEvoy
Jan. 29th at Science Center 3:30-5:30
Science Leadership – Jan. 8th
Updates from SED
Transition to comprehensive and phased implementation
Curriculum Materials Pilot Study
Selecting two commercially available curriculum materials to pilot test in the field
Physical Science: Matter and Its Interaction
2nd Grade focus on observable properties of matter
5th Grade focus on developing a particle model understanding of matter, conservation of mass, mixing of matter, and measurable properties
Content is congruent with current standards
Students and teachers take a pre and post test related to content
Videotaping lessons
Photocopy of student work
Copies of all lesson and unit planning artifacts
Record of duration and frequency of instruction
Teacher survey
Two teacher interviews with Jessica
SED's survey has closed. Most responses were affirmative. Expect small changes to the standards and repackaging.
SED's survey has closed. Most responses were affirmative. Expect small changes to the standards and repackaging.
Literacy Support:
Sonday One- underway
Sonday Two- coming
LLI- Continues with levels K-12 now!
Reading Recovery- is there interest in an initial class for 2016-17?
LETRS- Interest for 2016-17?  Cost if we have class of 15 is about $3900/teacher
What Really Works for Struggling Learners
Suggest change to BCIC topic schedule to make March meeting
Have summaries of some research (Allington’s updated) to share and review
Has RTI implications
Impending PD opportunities:
Co-Teaching:  What to do with two teachers in the room? January 28th session will address the question: How might instruction look different with two teachers?
Preparing and supporting learning for diverse students can be challenging!  Scaffolding for Student Outcomes: Meeting Diverse Needs meets for four days during February and March. Educators will examine how standards-based education and differentiation work together to promote appropriately high levels of achievement for all students.

Data (and Assessment)

What are districts doing for A2 this year? Updating the regional chart of programs, modules, and assessment choices.
We updated this chart to reflect the decisions districts have made about A2
Districts and schools are continuing with their transitions to Standards-Based Grading and Reporting
SED has a workgroup that is looking at Regents exams, including passing rates, scales, and other issues. A scale change is quite possible.
World languages:
The exams created in 2012 should still be considered secure because there are districts  using them
Use Spanish Version C for January (Call if you need to know versions for other languages)
Teams for French and Spanish created  revised checkpoint B

Professional Practice (APPR and Pedagogy)

APPR 3012-d update
Summary of current status
FAQs for 3012-c districts are in draft form and should soon be available
Guidance for 3012-d schools is targeted for January 15th


Regional Vision Update (slides)
Innovation Tech
Seven Valleys New Tech Academy
PBL Training schedule
Professional Learning Community
RTI at Work Institute at OnCenter, June 28-30 (we will have 200 discounted seats)
Students from Generational Poverty- January 25th: Extend your understanding about the impact of poverty and learn how to expand your understanding of challenges, strengths and implications.
Instructional Strategies for Students from Poverty-February 10th: Eric Jensen's findings and suggestions will be incorporated with Hattie, McREL and Budge & Parrott. Specific moves and decisions teachers can make in their instructional design will be explained. 
What about the Solution Tree video collection?

Future Meeting Planning

The next BCIC meeting is February 4th in the Rodax 8 Large Conference Room. The topic is scheduled to be mental health. The March topic has been changed to "What Works for Struggling Readers" and will feature a review of research about effective interventions.