Cynde Isgar
School Transportation Coordinator
e: cisgar@ocmboces.org
P: (315) 431-8544
C: (315) 952-6284

During the first year of employment, every school bus driver initially employed shall complete a 30 hour basic course of instruction in school bus safety practices approved by the commissioner, which shall include two hours of instruction concerning the special needs of a pupil with a disability. Registration is required and classes are limited to 35 attendees. Trainings are offered twice a year (Fall and Spring). Instruction is provided by certified School Bus Driver Instructors (SBDI) who currently are working in the transportation industry and bring many years of experiences and examples of real life situations. This training combines classroom as well as hands-on trainings. Upon completion of this required training, attendees receive a “Certificate of School Bus Driver Training” from the University of the State of New York Education Department and Insurance Reductions from the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles (click here). Included in this training is the Basic Monitor and Attendant Training.
Each school bus monitor or attendant hired after July 1, 2003 must complete within their first year of employment a Basic Course of Instruction for Monitors and Attendants. The program is offered independently once a summer. Registration is required and classes are limited to 35 attendees. Upon completion of this required training, attendees receive a “Certificate of Monitor and Attendant Training” from the University of the State of New York Education Department.
This mandated training for all school bus drivers and attendants is conducted twice a year, between July 1st and the 1st day of school and between December 1st and March 1st of each school year. SED requires all school bus drivers, monitors, and attendants to receive the same two refresher programs each school year that have been recommended by the SBDI/MI Advisory committee and approved by the Department. One of the two hour sessions shall include instructions relating to special needs of a pupil with disability (PJ’s Law). This training is offered at the McEvoy Campus in Cortland, but registration is done at the Main Campus OCM BOCES site in Syracuse.
--no training sessions scheduled at this time--
Please enroll through your Transportation Department