Principal Evaluator Training 2022-23
This training is for administrators who have previously participated in Principal Evaluator Training. The training will continue with all of the state-prescribed components with a particular focus on coaching principals as they lead the new APPR system in their building. There is no charge to OCM BOCES component districts.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Friday, September 30, 2022
8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
- PSELs 2015 Standards for Leaders
- Evidence-based observation
- Application and use of Student Growth Percentile and VA growth Model data
- Application and use of the State-approved Rubrics
- Application and use of any assessment tools used to evaluate principals
- Application and use of State-approved locally selected measures of student achievement
- Use of the Statewide Instructional Reporting System
- Scoring methodology used to evaluate principals
- Specific considerations in evaluating principals of ELLs and students with disabilities
- State-determined district-wide student growth goal setting process (Student Learning Objectives)
- Effective supervisory visits and feedback
- Soliciting structured feedback from constituent groups
- Reviewing school documents, records, state accountability processes and other measures
- Principal contribution to teacher effectiveness
- Contextualized ISLLC Goal-Setting