District Planning for Race To The Top Implementation
The resources at this page are designed to help districts construct multi-year plans for Race To The Top (RTTT) Implementation. We have developed a protocol that you can use to assess your implementation of RTTT/Regents Reform Agenda, too.
District Race To The Top PlanThis is an example of a two-year plan that districts can use as starting points for their own long-term planning. So far, we've been in a reactive mode as news and expectations have been communicated to us. In order to get it all done, however, districts need a proactive plan that begins with the end in mind. |
Race To The Top Road MapAlthough this tool came out last year it is still as relevant as ever. The map illustrates the progression of implementation for CCLS, DDI, and APPR. Culture, while not a separate track on the Road Map, is important. It permeates all of the work. |
District Race to the Top Plan Self-AssessmentThis is a protocol and tool that can be used by an administrative team to self-assess progress on their District Race to the Top Plan”. |
Faculty Meeting PlansWhat are the faculty meeting plans for the year? Look at the "principals map" and talk about the topics that have been identified for the faculty meetings for the year. Do they makes sense? Do the messages on district-wide conference days correspond and support the message in faculty meetings in buildings? |
SED ResourcesThe State Education Department has started to provide some tools for implementation in districts. They've revised their metrics document, provided planning templates, and prepared several different checklists. It is packaged as a "workbook" and is advertised to assist superintendents, DSs, and Network Team with the work. |
RTTT Reporting Documents Help
- RTTT Network Team Flowchart
- Network Team Overview
- Network Team presentation slides
- Network Team Deliverables and Metrics
- Scope of Work template
- Guidance document from SED
- Videoconference for state on October 8, 2010
- Scope of Work documentation directions (as of 10.29.10)
- Revised Allocations (use to complete paperwork)
- Q and A document from SED (as of 10.29.10)
- Online Budget Submission Tutorial (from SED)
- Network Team FAQs
- Link to all Scopes of Work
- Year 2 Budget Directions SED Guidance
- Sign-Off documentation for APPR portion of APPR allocation (25%)
- FS25 form to access money
- Directions for first time FS-25 preparation
- ARRA Quarterly Reporting directions
- Directions for ongoing FS-25 preparation
- Year 3 Budget Directions SED Guidance
- Final Expenditure Report (FER) Directions
- Annual Program Report Directions
- ARRA Quarterly Reporting directions
- No cost extention for 2014-2015 sample langauge
- 2013-2014 Final Expenditure Report Directions
- SOW Addendum Example (located in the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System part of the portal)
- RTTT amounts (including remaining allocation for no cost extension year, may not reflect last-minute additions from SED but OK to use)