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Science Center Units (Grade 4): Unit Resources

LEARN 360: Access Learn360 via OCM BOCES's MediaConnect  at  (username and password required - see your media/library specialist). First, log into MediaConnect then click on Learn 360. Leaving the web page open, return to this page and use the link to access the resource or copy/paste the shortcut. You cannot log directly into Learn 360. 
PBS NY (previously Vital NY): This is a free resource located at available to educators.  You can have your own free account or access this resource through MediaConnect. If you are logged in, clicking the link should access the resource.
DVD:  Listed DVDs can be obtained through MediaConnect’s physical collection (
Professional Development (PD):   These are resources that have been identified as sources of background information for the classroom teacher related to the content topic or a specific related skill. Teachers may choose to share this resource or parts of it with their students as they may deem beneficial.

Elementary Level Science Test Links and Information

NYSED Office of Assessment (OAS)
Science: Elementary /Intermediate
This web page will give you access to the Administrative Manual for the ELS test, any notices, past tests (unsecured parts), and test samplers.

Link to the Examination Schedule

Link to Elementary Science Standards (pdf)
    Standard 4 (p. 12) - starts Science Content

ELS Performance Test Training

In the spring of the year, the OCM BOCES Science Center offers training on setting up and scoring the Performance Part of the ELS Test. This test is given at the end (May - June) of Grade 4. The pre-scheduled training sessions can be found on the Science Center's Science & Health Training Schedule Webpage. There are two components to the training: Setting Up the Performance Exam, morning session and Rating the Performance Exam, after noon session. You need not register for both sessions.

The Performance Section of the ELS exam has not changed from previous years and is a secured part of the test. Teachers new to setting up and scoring the exam may want to register for the training sessions.

Tips, Hints and FYIs
NYSED ELS Test Preparation/Review:
During the Gr. 4 year utilize videos and informational text to review science concepts taught in previous years and to reinforce current content.

Suggested Review Topics:
Properties of Matter
States of Matter
Animal Characteristics
Food Chains and Webs
Water Cycle

Utilize questions from previous years Tests (Part A & B, Performance Part is secured) for review or unit evaluations.
Link to NYSED Science 4 Test Archive

Utilize the NYS ELS Test Sampler to review content and introduce the testing process. Link to NYSED OSA Science: Elementary/Intermediate (see Sampler link at the bottom pf the page)

Astronomy Gr. 4

Unit - Kit Files
Astronomy Student Journal (adaptable)

Astronomy Student Journal (PDF)

Astronomy Blackline Masters (adaptable)

Astronomy Blackline Masters (PDF)

Resource Files
Web Site: Motion of Sun and Earth (Playground Model)

Web Site: Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset Times
This web site is fairly easy to maneuver about in and provides a printable calendar.

Web Site: StarDate - from this link you can view monthly Moon phase calendars and information about the Moon.  There is a "Printer-friendly" version that you can access through a link at the very bottom of the page.

Web Site: Ast. Picture of the Day - NASA searchable collection

Tips, Hints and FYIs
Web Based Resource - Journey North: Journey North is a web presence dedicated to tracking seasonal change through the observations and reporting of individuals (students). There are many types of studies that can be done from butterflies to tulips to day length.
For the Astronomy unit you may want to participate or make observations of the data maps for "Sunlight and the Seasons". If you teach the "Plant Life Cycles" unit, you may want to integrate one of the plant based studies such as, Tulip Gardens (Fall & Spring) or Leaf Out (Spring)

Seasons (NeoK12)- several resources to choose from; streamed media, interactives

PBS NYEarth in Motion Interactive (with day/night rotation and seasons)

PBS NY: Characteristics of the Sun [1:28]

Web Based Video: Brainzapped - Reason for the Seasons (Vimeo) [2:25]

Web Based Video: Fiery Sun (You Tube - NASA)

Informational Text Resources
Web Site: StarChild (NASA)
Informational text for students on Astronomy (2 reading levels)

Web Site: Seasons (Univ. of Illinois Extension) - reading material with the option of audio and visuals

Web Site: Moon Landing (KidsPort Reference Library)

Web Site: Moon Missions (SpaceKids, UK)

Web Site: The First Moon Walker (Science News for Kids) - print copy and PDF available thru site.

Professional Development (PD)

PD Websites - information packed website for the most up-to-date astronomy related news ...

Exploring the Moon: Educator's Guide (NASA)-

PD Multimedia
VITAL NY: The Moon [3:35]

Learn360: Cycles and Seasons   [19:39 min]

Electrical Circuits

Unit - Kit Files
Electrical Circuits Checkpoint (PDF)
Electrical Circuits Checkpoint (adaptable)

Electrical Circuits BLM (PDF)

Electrical Circuits BLM (adaptable) 

Electrical Circuits Student Journal (PDF)
Electrical Circuits Student Journal  (adaptable) 

Resource Files
Probes: The goal of using a "probe" is to uncover student thinking about a topic - the probe can be a pre-assessment tool (prior knowledge) or a formative assessment tool.  Here is one for "electricity" and for "closed circuit" which can stimulate conversation on the topic or uncover student concepts.
Ele. Cir. Probe - Electricity (MS Word)
Ele. Cir. Probe - Circuits (MS Word)

Tips, Hints and FYIs
Between sessions, be sure to have the students disconnect all wires from a battery holder that contains a battery.
During a session, caution students to not have any wires directly connecting the two ends (poles) of a battery except for a very short period of time.


Web Based Video: Batteries (Nat. Geographic) - information about battery use worldwide and some battery basics but also some higher level info for students to digest.

Electric Circuits, E-learning

Science Games - Ele. Circuits

MediaConnect Video (DVD):
Electrical Circuits, Visual Learning Co. (K01653) [14:00] - basics of electrical circuits as well as extended material (short circuit, fuses/circuit breakers)

Informational Text Resources
Web Site: Electricity (EnWin Kids Zone) - very basic information about electricity, energy, energy history ..

Professional Development (PD)

PD Websites
WebSite: Electricity (NeoK-12) - pick and choose resources that meet your needs for background information

Web Site: TES, Teachers TV - Electricity: A short web video on demonstrating cause-effect as it relates to force and speed in an electric circuit.

PD Multimedia

Plant Life Cycles

Unit - Kit Files
PLC Student Journal (adaptable)

PLC Student Journal (PDF)

PLC Blackline Masters 

PLC Blackline Masters  (PDF)

Resource Files
Web Site: Tulip Test Gardens (Journey North) - a good way to integrate the Astronomy lessons on the seasons and plants  ALSO check out " Leaf Out "and "Phenology"

Supporting Resource Files:
Seeds, Awesome Close Up Pics: Supports Act. 3 "How Are Seeds Differnt?"
Tree Chain Game: Supports Act. 5, do before inquiry part of activity.
Acorn Mix-Up Game: Supports Act. 1 - 5, survival and growth of seeds.

The Giving Tree, S Silverstein (PDF): Act. 6 references this poem
Tree Leaves: Supports Act. 8 "How can leaves help us identify trees?"

Plant Propagation PPT:  Supports Act. 11 by focusing on plant propagation by runners and cuttings

Tips, Hints and FYIs

Give the flowers that you are dissecting time to fully open.
You Tube: Plant Flower Dissection - the parts of a flower

Web Site: Tree Life Cycle (McGraw-Hill) - a basic interactive

Web Site: Dr. Arbor Talks Trees - There is information for students about tree roots, trunk, leaves, twigs and stems, tree identification and "state" trees.

Web Site: Making Maple Syrup, locally - SUNY ESF
Written information and a streamed video.

Learn360: The Lorax  - a story about conservation of resources even renewable ones such as trees.

Learn360: Maple Syrup [3:45 min]

PBS NY: Plants In Motion (interactive)

PBS NY: Plant Adaptations [4:36]

PBS NY: Supermarket Botany (interactive)

PBS NY:Think Garden: Plant Structure [2:51]

MediaConnect Video (DVD):
Plant Parts, Visual Learning Co. (K01547) [14:00] - basic plant parts with added info on root types, stem structure, leaf structure and photosynthesis.

Informational Text Resources
Web Site: Great Plant Escape: read about plants and their structures.

Web Site: How Do Seeds Travel - read about the ways that seeds are transported, written for kids

Web Site: Time Traveling Seeds - read about the requirements for seed germination, written for students

Professional Development (PD)
Unit Overview - page for each activity (PDF)

You Tube: Plant Reproduction in Angiosperms (Flowering Plants): Explore flower parts, pollination, and double fertilization in angiosperms. This video also talks about the importance of pollinators, like bees, and the role they play. (Amoeba Sisters)

You Tube: The Beauty of Pollination - Moving Art (Disney Nature)
The dance between flowers and pollinators sustains the fabric of life and is the mystical keystone event where the animal and plant worlds intersect that make the world go round.

PD Websites
Web Site: Anatomy of a Tree (Arbor Day Found.) - short page on tree basics

Web Site: What Tree Is That  (Arbor Day Foundation) - guide to identifying trees

PD Multimedia
Learn360: Plant Life Cycles (video clip form from "Seeds in Motion" ) ( [3:39 min]

Learn360: Seeds in Motion ( ) [14:50 min]

VITAL NY : Life of a Tree - an interactive webpage from National Arbor Day Foundation that focuses on tree ring growth 

VITAL NY: Tree Identification - focus on characteristics of tree that are used for identification [3:55 min]

VITALNY: Life Cycle of a Seed Plant (interactive)

VITAL NY: The Forest & Soil Cycle - looks at the "big picture" of trees and their environment [5:30]

Simple Machines

Unit - Kit Files
Simp. Mach. Student Journal (adaptable)

Simp. Mach. Student Journal (PDF)

Simp. Mach. Blackline Masters (adaptable)

Simp. Mach. Blackline Masters (PDF)

Resource Files
Simp. Machine Probe: Weight (MS Word)
Probes: The goal of using a "probe" is to uncover student thinking about a topic - the probe can be a pre-assessment tool (prior knowledge) or a formative assessment tool. 


Tips, Hints and FYIs

Victim of Gravity (Schoolhouse Rock - You Tube)

Fantastic Contraptions (SparkWorks) - this interactive has a bit of a learning curve but also has a "How to get started" tutorial. Lots of thinking and problem solving

MediaConnect Video (DVD):
Everyday Simple Machines, Visual Learning Co.(K01656) [14:00] - basics of simple machines as well as extended material (mechanical advantage, wedge, screw, wheel-axle)

Web Based Video: The Most Outrageous Way to Share a Coke  (YouTube) - if you can view You Tube at your school, this design initiative uses simple machines (incline planes, levers ...) and is FUN!

PBS NY: Levers: Raising the Moai on Easter Island - how ancient peoples may have used simple machines [4:50]

Informational Text Resources

Professional Development (PD)

PD Websites 

Web Site: Dirtmeister: Simple Machines ... Investigate the Facts - a brief overview of each simple machine

Web Site: Dirtmeister: Friction ... Investigate the Facts - an overview of friction

PD Multimedia
PBS NY: Weight vs Mass - Weight is a measure of force while mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object [5:40]

Learn360 Real World Science: Simple Machines - force, work and 6 simple machines [15 min]

Learn360: Levers - Zog the caveman [12:45 min]

Learn360: Inclined Planes - Zog the caveman [12:31 min]

Learn360: Pulleys - Zog the caveman [12:52 min]

Learn360: Working Together - Zog the Caveman - input and output of simple machines working together; compound machines [13 min]

Learn360: Mechanical Machines - looks at the application of simple machines in mechanical systems, good source of examples to use with students [20:28 min]

Crime Lab Chemistry

Unit - Kit Files
Crime Lab Blackline Masters (PDF)

Resource Files

Tips, Hints and FYIs



Informational Text Resources

Professional Development (PD)

PD Websites 



PD Multimedia

Polly Mers

Unit - Kit Files
Polly Mers Student Journal (adaptable)

Polly Mers Student Journal (PDF)

Resource Files
Polly Mers Act Out Game: modeling polymers

Web Site: Spangler's Polymer Experiment (YouTube) -Steve Spangler (Science Guy type) does a polymer activity which you may want to try out on your students. [2:13]

Tips, Hints and FYIs

Web Based Video: Plastic Bottles (Nat. Geographic) - focus on how plastic bottles are formed


Informational Text Resources

Professional Development (PD)

PD Websites 

Polly Mers Basics

Plastics and Polymers

PD Multimedia


Revised date: 10/7/2013