BCIC November 2014
Here is the agenda (and minutes) for the November 13, 2014, BCIC meeting (slides). The meeting is 8:30-10:30a and will be held in the Rodax 8 Large Conference Room.
Welcomes and Introductions
Updates and News
SED UpdatesRevised guidance about the CDOS Credential has changed the way that exiting students will be labeled. They will be counted as “high school completers.”
Unaccompanied immigrants
Students in temporary housing
SED is currently working to incorporate the performance of students who take the Algebra Regents instead of Grade 8
Smart Schools bond act passed
Early rumblings about aid are not good
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment (CI&A) (webpage)
Early rumblings about aid are not good
To view the current listing, click here.
Instructional Technology & Design at the CNYRIC (webpage)
A new batch of on-line courses were recently added
Teacher Centers
Work continues on the parent night materials for math
The Teacher Centers are working with OCM BOCES and CiTi on the "Getting Ready for Social Studies" effort
The Teacher Centers are working with OCM BOCES and CiTi on the "Getting Ready for Social Studies" effort
Higher Education
No representative
CNY NYS ASCD (webpage) meeting schedule for the year:
December 2, 2014 Pulling the Weeds. We all have “weeds” to pull from our schools to allow us to be more focused and productive. Let’s talk about the weeds we’ve been able to pull in our schools and talk about those that remain to be pulled. Located at West Genesee High School
February 12, 2015 Evidence of 6 & 7. NYS Teaching Standards 6 & 7 are all about our actions as professionals. In the new APPR it is important to provide evidence of our professional responsibilities, collaboration, and growth. We’ll talk about these Teaching Standards and the evidence we use. Located at the SCSD Professional Development Center.
March 18, 2015 Visible Learning. We use the term “research-based strategies” quite frequently, but what are the teaching and school strategies that are actually most supported in research? Location TBA
May 13, 2015 Annual Meeting. Join us to celebrate another great year for CNY NYS ASCD and to start planning for the next. Location TBA
February 12, 2015 Evidence of 6 & 7. NYS Teaching Standards 6 & 7 are all about our actions as professionals. In the new APPR it is important to provide evidence of our professional responsibilities, collaboration, and growth. We’ll talk about these Teaching Standards and the evidence we use. Located at the SCSD Professional Development Center.
March 18, 2015 Visible Learning. We use the term “research-based strategies” quite frequently, but what are the teaching and school strategies that are actually most supported in research? Location TBA
May 13, 2015 Annual Meeting. Join us to celebrate another great year for CNY NYS ASCD and to start planning for the next. Location TBA
District Sharing
November: CNYLDP (webpage)The program is now in its third year
It is PD for teacher leaders (some might also become administrators
NS, FM, Liverpool, Phoenix, Fulton, and Oswego are participating this year
December: ChittenangoIt is PD for teacher leaders (some might also become administrators
NS, FM, Liverpool, Phoenix, Fulton, and Oswego are participating this year
Standards (and Curriculum)
Social StudiesGetting Ready for Social Studies regional project
C3 w/ SG Grant (January 29, 4-6p session, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room) click to register
Bridging from the C3 to New York w/ Greg Ahlquist (February 10, 4-6p session, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room) click to register
NYSCSS Annual Conference, March 11-14, Syracuse link to NYSCSS
Opening the Toolkit w/ Pat Polan (April 16, 4-6p session, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room) click to register
UbD and Social Studies w/ Jay McTighe May 14 & 15, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room) click to register
Bridging from the C3 to New York w/ Greg Ahlquist (February 10, 4-6p session, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room) click to register
NYSCSS Annual Conference, March 11-14, Syracuse link to NYSCSS
Opening the Toolkit w/ Pat Polan (April 16, 4-6p session, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room) click to register
UbD and Social Studies w/ Jay McTighe May 14 & 15, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room) click to register
CI&A support for summer curriculum writing
Project-Based Learning
PBL 2015 dates are August 3-4-5 at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool (bigger so we don't have to turn anyone away)
PBL 101 cohorts are being added (and filling up) as fast as possible
PBL 101 cohorts are being added (and filling up) as fast as possible
Now booking for late January (McEvoy location)
PBL primers are scheduled to occur at all Principal Meetings
PBL 401 leadership training and coaching will be offered later in the year, following presentations to all principal groups
PBL 401 leadership training and coaching will be offered later in the year, following presentations to all principal groups
Literacy Leadership Network (next meeting is November 19th)
General Session -- a prerequisite (November 17th -- there is still room to join)
Social Studies (December 2nd)
Science (December 3rd)
Special Areas (December 1st)
Social Studies (December 2nd)
Science (December 3rd)
Special Areas (December 1st)
Still collecting information about math program used in districts.
Geometry implementation groups are working; next sessions are November 14 and 21
The Statewide Strategic Plan for science was presented to the Board of Regents. That plan included the recommendation to adapt (and not adopt) the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The Statewide Plan for Science will be open for public comment this fall. A summary of the public comment will be presented to the Board of Regents in January 2015.
The Board of Regents viewed an update about arts standards.
Data (and Assessment)
Assessment choices this yearThis report compares 3-8 audit results, vendor v. local
Minimum requirements for facilitated/regional scoring - will need to have an adequate number of particpants to be able to facilitate clusters
We still maintain the Regional chart for tracking our choices about the assessments and modules
Minimum requirements for facilitated/regional scoring - will need to have an adequate number of particpants to be able to facilitate clusters
We still maintain the Regional chart for tracking our choices about the assessments and modules
The 4+1 Pathways
The Board of Regents has taken the first step toward the adoption of a “4+1 Pathway” model for students wishing to earn a Regents diploma. The “4” refers to a requirement of passing four Regents exams, while the “1” refers to options that students have for the fifth test. Once finalized by the Regents (according to their procedures), it will go onto effect this year. The 4+1 model allows for different ways to meet the requirement of passing five Regents exams to graduate. The four required Regents examinations are English language arts, mathematics, science, and either US history or global history and geography. For the fifth exam requirement, students will have the following Pathway options:
Humanities: one additional social studies Regents examination or approved alternative;
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM): one additional Regents examination in a different course in mathematics, science or an approved alternative;
Languages Other Than English (LOTE): a pathway assessment that could include a biliteracy;
Career and Technical Education (CTE): an approved CTE pathway assessment following successful completion of a CTE program-approved pursuant, or;
Arts: an approved arts assessment.
Professional Practice (APPR and Pedagogy)
Lead Evaluator Training has started.Principal Evaluator Training has started.
Part 154 Changes (presentation by Tanya Rosado-Barringer, RBERN)
Blueprint for ELLS success
Regional Vision Update (page)Community and Board presentations continue
Innovation Tech
Hartnett location update
PBL NY 2015 advance information
Innovation Tech
Hartnett location update
PBL NY 2015 advance information
Edutopia participation
Buck Institute for Education participation
New Tech Network participation
Sam Saidel
Sarah Brown Wessling
Michael Gorman
Suzie Boss
More confirmations
Book Read
Buck Institute for Education participation
New Tech Network participation
Sam Saidel
Sarah Brown Wessling
Michael Gorman
Suzie Boss
More confirmations
We discussed chapters 1 & 2 of Michael Fullan's The Principal.
We will discuss chapters 3 & 4 next time.
Professional Learning Community
We will discuss chapters 3 & 4 next time.
Planning series of Interactive Video Conferences to Connect Mike Mattos to PLC at Work Institute
Tim Brown, January 14, 2015 , 4:00-5:30 pm, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room
Ken Williams, March 4, 2015, 4:00-5:30 pm, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room
A PLC Approach to Behavior, David Karam & Jim Wright, May 7, 2015, 4:00-5:30 pm, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room
Anthony Muhammad, June 17, 2015, 4:00-5:30 pm, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room
The PLC at Work Institute is August 12-14, 2105. It is now being advertised by Solution Tree. Don't sign up with them, however. BOCES has discounted seats (not active yet).
Ken Williams, March 4, 2015, 4:00-5:30 pm, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room
A PLC Approach to Behavior, David Karam & Jim Wright, May 7, 2015, 4:00-5:30 pm, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room
Anthony Muhammad, June 17, 2015, 4:00-5:30 pm, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room
District Race to the Top Planning & Self-AssessmentResources you can use, including maps, plans, and assessment tools
What have you been able to do?
Resources to help you with this are posted.
What have you been able to do?
Resources to help you with this are posted.