BCIC December 2013
Here is the agenda (slides) for the OCM BOCES Curriculum and Instruction Council (BCIC) meeting, 8:30am, December 19, 2013, Henry Large Conference:
Welcome and Introductions
- Assessment update
- PISA sample items
- Common Core-aligned Regents update performance levels
- Legislative
- Instructional Technology and Design (ITD home page)
- Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment (CIA)
- Teacher Centers
- Higher Education
- Instructional Support News
- CNY NYS ASCD home page
- Data in Schools Flyer
- OCM BOCES Building Purchase slides
District Sharing
- Onondaga Central's Smile Therapy program -- aimed at improving the culture.
- Volunteer for next meeting?
Race To The Top
- Standards
- Common Core Items:
- Bill Daggett January 9, 3-6p, Rodax 8 Large
- ELA activities
- Math activities
- Math Boot Camp
- January 17 & 18
- Central Square Middle School
- Grade Level Bands
- webpage
- Registration status
- Class sizes of 48 at elementary level; 24 for middle
- Andrew Chen
- Good food
- $40 per person cost
- Updating the chart if, including ELA in January and 8th Grade math acceleration double-testing
- Resources for ELA 11
- Resources for A1
- Common Core Items:
- Core Research
- Resources and support from NT, CI&A, and SLS
- Data-Driven Instruction
- PLCs follow-up and support group
- Turn Your RtI Upside-Down (connected to PLCs)
- Mike Mattos is confirmed for October 24, 2014.
- SRC Arena is reserved
- Lining up conference day on the BOCES calendar
- What kind of participation?
- Next steps?
- Professional Practice (including APPR)
- Culture
- Long-term planning for RTTT (example plan)
- NT Report (waiting)
Other Business
- Enterprise America
- Grand Opening
- Middle-Level Open House, Information Meeting and Guided Tours
- 2014 Law Conference
- save the date
- input for program
- Save the Date: PBLNY August 5-6-7
- Yong Zhao
- Sam Chaltain
- Suzie Boss
- Ron Berger
- PBL 101
- PBL Leadership
- PBL Coaching
- CNY Regional Vision for PBL and New Tech High
- Presentation to update status
- Enterprise America Update
- Research particiaption opportutnity: National Field Trial of Questions to Test Your Students’ College & Career Readiness (let Jeff know if you might be interested)
- LOTE Checkpoint B
- Update
- 3-8 Regional Assessment
- What are districts planning to do chart
- Optimum Solutions Corporation (through CNYRIC) costs:
- $12.50 per exam for ELA 3-8
- $10.50 per exam for Math 3-8
- $ 9.75 per exam for Science Grade 4
- $11.75 per exam for Science Grade 8
- Implications on regional scoring
- Next step identification
Future Meeting Planning
- The next BCIC meeting is December 19, 2013, in the Henry Large Conference Room.
- Next year we will hold our meetings in the Rodax 8 Large Conference Room:
September 11, 2013
October 9, 2013
November 13, 2013
December 11, 2013
January 8, 2014
February 12, 2014
March 12, 2014
April 9 or 16, 2014
May 14, 2014
June 11, 2014
October 9, 2013
November 13, 2013
December 11, 2013
January 8, 2014
February 12, 2014
March 12, 2014
April 9 or 16, 2014
May 14, 2014
June 11, 2014