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Science Center Units (Grade K): Unit Resources

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LEARN 360: Access Learn 360 via OCM BOCES's MediaConnect  at  (username and password required - see your media/library specialist). First, log into MediaConnect then click on Learn 360. Leaving the web page open, return to this page and use the link to access the resource or copy/paste the shortcut. You cannot log directly into Learn 360. 
PBS NY (previously Vital NY): This is a free resource located at available to educators.  You can have your own free account or access this resource through MediaConnect. If you are logged in, clicking the link should access the resource.
DVD:  Listed DVDs can be obtained through MediaConnect’s physical collection (
Professional Development (PD):   These are resources that have been identified as sources of background information for the classroom teacher related to the content topic or a specific related skill. Teachers may choose to share this resource or parts of it with their students as they may deem beneficial.


Unit - Kit Files
Ladybugs Unit Copy Masters Set (PDF)

Resource Files
Learn360: An Alphabet of Insects [10:31]

Student Notebook pages (MS WORD)(PDF): shared by C. Fleury (ESM Schools)

Tips, Hints and FYIs
Care & Feeding:
Adult and larval Ladybugs, in the wild, are predators feeding on aphids and scale.  Both aphids and scale are plant feeding insects so introducing them to the school environment is not a good idea. (Especially not appreciated by the staff members that beautify the school environment with plants.)
So - what do you do to sustain the ladybugs that you order to use with your students for this unit?  The best that you can do is sustain them until the students are finished with their observations using sugar based water.  In the kit we provide honey, a dropper bottle and cotton swabs.  You can mix some honey with water in the dropper bottle, wet the cotton swab with the solution and place it in the ladybug jar.  Some teachers have found that raisins may also be used by placing a drop of water on each raisin.

Creature Features: Ladybugs (National Geographic)

PBS NY: Becoming a Mosquito [2:00] Students can compare the life cycle of a mosquito to a Ladybug looking for similarities and differences. There are "life cycle" cards available for a frog, butterfly and dragonfly.

PBS NY: If You Were A Beetle [1:05] The ladybug (Lady Beetle) belongs to a very large "family" of insects - the "Beetles".

Informational Text Resources

Professional Development(PD)

PD Websites

PD Multimedia
Learn360: Backyard Science - Insect Metamorphosis) [12:19 min]

Learn360: Insects


Characteristics of Animals

Unit - Kit Files
Student Journal  (MS WORD) (adaptable)

Student Journal (PDF)

Animal Cards (PDF)


Resource Files
Graphics Sort PPT (Power Point)
- Pic
tures of Living and non-living, plants and animals with sorting slides

Comparing Animals PPT (Power Point) - focu
ses on how animals are grouped according to their characteristics and how animals compare within those groups

Tips, Hints and FYIs
Guidelines for Returning Critters(PDF)

Web Based Video: Noctural Animals [1:46]

PBS NY: Zoo Safari  [4:00]

Learn360: Polar Bears and Pandas

PBS NYA Tail Like This - animal have body parts in order to live just like we do [1:09]

PBS NY : Masters of Disguise [3:12]

PBS NY: What Sounds Do Animal Make? [:54]

PBS NY: What do animals eat? [1:10]

PBS NY: Flying Squirrel Glide

PBS NY: Worm Slime - characteristics of worms [1:11]

PBS NY: Finding Animal Tracks [3:00]

Informational Text Resources

Professional Development(PD)

PD Websites

PD Multimedia
Learn360: Science - Animals Without Backbones [14:40 min]

Learn360: Science - Animals With Backbones [13:38]


Penguins and their Young

Unit - Kit Files
Penguins Book Blackline Masters (PDF) - copymasters of pages in the GEMS book

Resource Files
Penguin Puppet Parts Template - (PDF)
- one page full set (GEMS)
and pages where each puppet part has been multiplied so there are many of the same part to a page

Tips, Hints and FYIs

Creature Features: Adele Penguins (National Geographic)

Learn360: Penguins  [4:31]

PBS NY: Creature Features [2:09]

Informational Text Resources

Professional Development(PD)

PD Websites
Basic Facts About Penguins (Defenders of Wildlife)

Creature Features: Emperor Penguins (National Geographic)

PD Multimedia
Learn360: Antartica Wilderness [5:10 min]

PBS NY Antartica: Sea Ice

Web Based Video: Emperor Penguins in Antartica (You Tube) [5:18]



Unit - Kit Files
Blackline Masters (MSWord) (adaptable)
- Student pages

Blackline Masters (PDF)

Resource Files

Tips, Hints and FYIs


VITAL NY :From Seed to Fruit

VITAL NY: From Seed to Flower - time lapse videos of plants and seeds growing [1:07]

Learn360: Reading Rainbow - "Two Old Potatoes and Me" - a story about how a father and daughter grow potatoes from sprouting potatoes. [4:31]

Informational Text Resources

Professional Development(PD)

PD Websites

PD Multimedia
VITAL NY : The Reproductive Role of Flowers [4:00 min]

VITAL NY : Life Cycle of a Seed Plant (interactive)



Unit - Kit Files
 Waterplay Student Journal (PDF)

Waterplay Student Journal (MS W
ord, adaptable )

Resource Files

Tips, Hints and FYIs



Informational Text Resources

Professional Development(PD)

PD Websites

PD Multimedia

Revised Date: 10/11/2013