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Research & the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS)
Developing & Communicating an Evidence-Based Perspective

Students draw from their research and personal analysis to develop and communicate an evidence-based perspective.

General Resources

Developing & Communicating an Evidence-Based Perspective

Students review and synthesize their research to develop and communicate an evidence-based perspective on their area of investigation.

Student Material


Teacher Material


Reviewing Research Portfolios

Students review their Research Portfolios based on their revised Research Frames in preparation for final analysis.

Student portfolios should contain the
following tools for each Inquiry Path that
synthesize information across its Inquiry Questions.

Expressing an Evidence-Based Perspective

Based on their claims for each Inquiry Path, students write a final EBC explaining their perspective on the Area of Investigation.

The Writing EBC and the Connecting Ideas handouts
can be used as students draw from their Research
Portfolios to write a one-page synthesis expressing
and supporting their perspective on their Areas of

The Evidence-Based Perspective is a written
expression of the personal conclusions and
perspectives drawn by the students from their research.



Contact the Office of Network Team/ Catie Reeve at for more information.