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Research & the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS)
Initiating Inquiry

Students Seek and Explore Their Own Questions

General Resources

Initiating Inquiry

Students determine what they want to know about a topic and develop inquiry questions that they will investigate.

Student Material

These are ODELL EDUCATION's materials for students as they move through the Initiating Inquiry phase of the research process.

Teacher Material

These are ODELL EDUCATION's materials for teachers as they help students move through the Initiating Inquiry phase of the research process.

Introduction to Unit

The teacher explains how critical readers use inquiry and research to deepen their understanding and develop an evidence-based perspective on a topic. Students are introduced to the purposes, the process, and the materials of the unit.

The Student Research Plan guides students through the main steps of the research process.

This portfolio description provides a stuctured organization system for the research process.

The Teacher Resource Unit Guide lists the sequence of ODELL EDUCATION'S unit activities and related activities.

Exploring a Topic

The teacher leads a class exploration of a topic. Students independently explore the research topic.

The Exploring a Topic tool helps students describe a possible Area of Investigation, why it presents interest to them, and how they came to that idea.

The Text Centered Discussions Checklist allows students to assess their ability to have productive and effective text-based conversations with each other.

Exploring a Topic- Annotated provides notes for teachers as they guide students through the Exploring a Topic tool.


Text #1 can be used as a model to help introduce a topic and to stimulate thinking and interest in the topic.

Why I Take Good Care of My Macintosh by Gary Snider, American Beat poet

The text-dependent questions in this resource will help drive the initial close reading and discussion of Why I Take Good Care of My Macintosh.

The topic description, example areas of investigation and guiding questions in this resource can be used to help pose questions and generate discussion.


Text #1 is a three part documentary that can be used as a jumping off point for inquiry. The Meaning of Food by Sue McLaughlin

The text-dependent questions in this resource will help drive the initial close reading and discussion of The Meaning of Food.

The topic description, example areas of investigation and guiding questions in this resource can be used to help pose questions and generate discussion.

Conducting Pre-searches

Students conduct pre-searches for sources around one or two Areas of Investigation to validate availability of information.

The Potential Sources tool is a place where students can record information about their potential sources including descriptions of content and key ideas. They can also write personal comments.

Potential Sources- Annotated provides notes for teachers as they guide students through the Potential Sources tool.

The Posing Inquiry Questions tool helps guide student thinking as they generate, select, and refine inquiry questions.


Text #2 The History of Social Networking by Gordon Goble

The text-dependent questions in this resource will help drive the initial close reading and discussion of The History of Social Networking by Gordon Goble.

Text #3 How Twitter Works by Jonathon Strickland

The text-dependent questions in this resource will help drive the initial close reading and discussion of How Twitter Works by Jonathon Strickland.


Text #2 Leveraging Agriculture for Improving Nutrition & Health by Sylvia Matthews Burwell

The text-dependent questions in this resource will help drive the initial close reading and discussion of Leveraging Agriculture for Improving Nutrition & Health by Sylvia Matthews Burwell.

Text #3 How the Potato Changed the World by Charles C. Mann

The text-dependent questions in this resource will help drive the initial close reading and discussion of How the Potato Changed the World by Charles C. Mann.

Vetting Areas of Investigation

Students vet their potential Areas of Investigation and develop a research question or problem.

The Area Evaluation Checklist guides students in the process of evaluating their potential Areas of Investigation.

Teachers and students can use this tool collaboratively as they conference to determine if an area warrants investigation and arrive at a written research question or problem.

Generating Inquiry Questions

Students generate Inquiry Questions to guide their searches for information regarding their Areas of Investigation.

The Research Criteria Matrix outlines the key proficiencies and habits of the research process that students need to build. It is a tool that can be used to evaluate student performance. Student products can be examined for ability to set the direction for their research, pose inquiry questions and build a research base.


Contact the Office of Network Team/ Catie Reeve at for more information.