Bilingual Information for Families - Parents of ELLs need to know about the Common Core State Standards. These resources provide multilingual resources and articles about Common Core policies and procedures.
For Parents and Families - Bilingual parent resources are provided here to give families tips on helping children become successful in school. They also give parents advice about the U.S. school system and more
Going Places - Information and tips for families to support their children in school.
Helping Your Children with Homework (English and Spanish) - This is the English version of the booklet offered by the U.S. Department of Education. Helping children with their homework provides benefits for multilingual families. Parents can learn more about what their children are doing in school.
en Español - Esta es la versión española del folleto que ofrece el Departamento de Educación de EE.UU. . Ayudar a los niños con sus tareas proporciona beneficios para las familias multilingües . Los padres pueden aprender más acerca de lo que hacen sus hijos en la escuela .
National PTA: Parents’ Guide to Student Success - These guides provide information about what students should be learning at each grade. These were developed for grades K-8 and high school ELA and mathematics.
PBS Parents - This section on reading and language answers common questions from multilingual parents. For example, it is good to read to your ELL child in his/her home language.
Poems at Home - On this Reading Rockets webpage, the authors recommend sharing poetry with children to focus on language. Poems have many qualities that children enjoy, including: humor and fun words. Children can read the poems along with their parents!
Reading Tips for Parents (In 11 Languages) - This Reading Rockets website offers one-page parent tips in a variety of languages for multilingual parents. These tips offer quick activities for parents to use in helping children improve in reading.
Schools and Families: An Important Partnership - These are resources about how parents can build a relationship with their ELL’s school. For example, parents can contact their child’s teacher or attend school activities.
USDOE Federal Student Aid Portal - This website provides useful information about applying for federal student aid programs to help with paying for college tuition.
en Español - Este sitio proporciona recursos bilingües para ayudar a los estudiantes a tener éxito en la escuela, incluyendo la información sobre los préstamos estudiantiles , colegios , aprender a leer y mucho más .
USDOE Helping Your Child Series (English and Spanish) - The Helping Your Child booklets provide parents with practical lessons and activities. The goal is to help ELL parents to teach children the value of homework. Its aim is to encourage students to grow in skills and values needed to succeed in school.
en Español - Los folletos Cómo ayudar a su Niño proveen a los padres con clases y actividades prácticas . El objetivo es ayudar a los padres de ELL para enseñar a los niños el valor de la tarea . Su objetivo es alentar a los estudiantes a crecer en habilidades y valores necesarios para tener éxito en la escuela .
Latino and Multicultural Resources This website of Pat Mora, poet and children’s book author, provides extensive lists of resources for helping Latino families and students.
Welcome to Our Schools (WtOS) - The Welcome to Our Schools (WtOS) program is designed to ease the transition of refugee children into the elementary and secondary schools of New York State, and to empower their parents to be effective partners in the education of their children. WtOS curriculum includes Refugee Academy and Mini-Academy Curricula, consisting of 16 instructional modules, student handouts and activities, Parent and Professional Development Programs, and a Guide for Academic Coaches.