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Strategic Planning & School Board Support

School districts can benefit greatly from a Strategic Planning process that allows them to assess their current environment, establish goals, and develop long-term, proactive strategies for achieving success. In addition, OCM BOCES can provide training and support for school boards and superintendents to enhance their roles as district leaders.

Strategic Planning Session

For Districts


  • Facilitate strategic planning that is ongoing and district-led
  • Assist in mission and vision planning
  • Offer organizational strategies and assessment tools
  • Provide a yearly Strategic Plan management visit

Districts receive:

  • One full-day session with OCM BOCES trainers for initial launch, plus one day for yearly strategic plan maintenance
  • Access to approved vendors with no school improvement upcharge

For School Boards

OCM BOCES will provide training in:


  • Superintendent evaluation rubrics
  • Subjects such as "SMART" goals, performance goals, standards of excellence, evidence-based performance, strategies for Board/Superintendent collaboration
  • Software tools

Boards receive:

  • Two hours of work/year
  • One training session with other Boards around the evaluation rubric
  • "SuperEval" online platform with no school improvement upcharge
  • Vendors could provide (examples):
  • "Lunch and Learns" around leadership for Superintendents and Boards
  • Board of Education development around John C. Maxwell's leadership theories
  • Emotional Intelligence training for executive leaders

Cost: $1,000*
*State-approved; fees for vendors outside MACNY and SuperEval are based on contracts

For more information:
Doreen Bergman, OCM BOCES Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Support,