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Mid-State RBERN


Certification Pathways

Teacher Certification - NYS Certification


Clinically Rich Intensive Teacher Institute (CR-ITI)

Teacher preparation, programming, and instruction are a part of our ongoing commitment to English Language Learners (ELLs)/Multilingual Learners (MLLs) and the New York State Education Department’s overarching and steadfast mission to ensure that all students attain the highest level of academic success and language proficiency and become college and career ready. The CR-ITI-BE program’s main initiative is to provide ELLs/MLLs with highly qualified and certified teachers in the areas of Bilingual Education (BE) and English as a New Language (ENL).

Grant opportunities made accessible by either a Request for Proposal or through a Memorandum of Understanding have awarded Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) the ability to offer clinically-rich programs which certify up to 20 candidates per year in English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and/or Bilingual Education (BE).

The cooperating IHEs work with staff of the NYSED’s Office of Higher Education, Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL), Office of Teaching Initiatives, and at the local level, BOCES, school districts, and other IHEs that participate in the program to ensure accomplishment of overall program goals.

Below are links to information regarding the IHEs that are currently collaborating with NYSED by providing the required coursework for obtaining a Bilingual Education Extension and/or English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Certification at the graduate level.


Current CR-ITI Programs