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Planetarium Program


OCM BOCES has been providing high level and intensive planetarium lessons since 1986. We will be happy to schedule a presentation or meet with you to discuss the variety of offerings in our program and how we can tailor programs to meet your needs. For further information or to book the planetarium at your school please phone or e-mail.


Astronomy & the NYS Standards

Standard Four of the New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology states:
"The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective."

  • Elementary students need to be able to "describe patterns of daily, monthly, and seasonal changes in their environment."
  • Intermediate students must be able to "explain daily, monthly, and seasonal changes on Earth."
  • At the Commencement level students are expected to be able to:
    • "explain complex phenomena such as tides, variations in day length, solar insolation, apparent motion of the planets and annual traverse of the constellations."
    • "describe current theories about the origin of the universe and the solar system."

Why a Planetarium


To help students truly understand and be able to fulfill these requirements, the Starlab Portable Planetarium travels to schools and is used as a hands-on laboratory for discovery.

It is the most cost and time effective means for solidly locking in concepts that cannot be experienced by reading textbooks.

Since Astronomy objectives are built into National and State Science Standards, we believe that it is imperative that students have the advantage of using the planetarium as a laboratory to examine and confirm space science concepts explored in the classroom.

Reserve the Planetarium

Our Planertarium Specialist John Clancy is a teacher with a background in Earth Science. Please contact the Science Center to schedule a Planetarium visit with John.


(315) 433-2671
E-mail: Contact us at

Files which may assist in planning your visit.

OCM BOCES Science Center, 110 Elwood Davis Rd, Liverpool, NY 13088