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× Careers Staff Only Personnel Sub Call-In Service Health & Safety
Main Operator 315.433.2600
District Superintendent 315.433.2602
Adult Education 315.453.4455
Business Office 315.433.2614
CNYRIC 315.433.8300
Instructional Support       315.433.2627
Student Services 315.433.2604
Labor Relations 315.433.2629
Personnel 315.433.2631

Frequently Asked Questions

How is my science kit scheduled?
The specific kits that you receive, how long they are in your classroom and when they arrive and are returned is determined by someone in your building or district.
How is my health kit scheduled?
Health Kits are grade level specific. Each kit contains a 10 - 15 week program which is generally scheduled by the school district for Fall or Spring.
Why do all the same grade level kits have the same schedule?
Delivering a set of grade level kits at a time makes the Science Center more efficient. In addition, this provides greater access, for the teachers, to materials as they can share equipment with other grade level teachers.
What do I do if I need to keep a kit longer than the scheduled time?
You need to contact the science center by phone or email to let us know of your plight. We make it our policy to grant requests for extensions if at all possible.
How can I tell what my kit schedule is?
You should receive a personal schedule at the beginning of the school year. Specific kit information is found on the card on the side of the kit box.
How do I know what is in my kit?
In each kit there is a white envelope. In the white envelope you will find a "Kit Packing List." Using this list you can inventory what is in the box and find out if you have everything provided.
What do I do if something is missing from my kit?
Call us as soon as you find out. We will make it a priority to get that item to you.
What are consumables?
Consumables are items that are difficult to return after being used. These items are specially marked on the packing list with an asterisk. Examples are pieces of construction paper or plastic used for a project. We need you to return all consumables that you did not use when teaching this unit.
I have ideas to share. How do I do this?
You are always welcome to contact the Science Center by phone or email. An additional way to communicate with us is by using the "Science Kit Evaluation" sheet found in a large white envelope in the kit. This evaluation sheet can be mailed to us or returned with the kit. It will be brought to the staff's attention when the kit is refurbished.
How do I order living materials?
You need to contact the science center by phone, email or by our online form found on our website ( to let us know what living materials you will be needing and when you will be ready for them. A list of the living materials for a particular kit can be found on the "Kit Packing List" (located in the large white envelope). If you need help in ordering, call us and our staff will help you through the process.
How do I sign up for kit training? Who should attend training?
You can sign up for training through our website ( or by calling the Science Center (315 433-2671). Training is offered to all teachers that are using our kit program. Training sessions provide an overview of content and the activities contained in a kit. These sessions focus on the "art" of science or health education and help to shorten teacher prep time. Usually training sessions are attended by teachers that are new to a school or new to a grade level. It is not unusual for veteran teachers to attend for a refresher.
How do I know that I have the most up-to-date Science Kit Teacher Guide and student paperwork?
The Teacher Guides, Student Journals and Blackline Masters are all dated. We change those dates whenever materials are revised or updated. You can check the paperwork provided in the large white envelope found in the kit for more recent copies. In addition, we try to communicate the titles of updated kits using our newsletter, Kit and Kaboodle, and our website.
How do I know that I have the most up-to-date Health Kit Teacher Guide and student paperwork?
Teachers receive a packet of any grade level replacement pages for Health at the beginning of the school year. We also highlight any material or program changes in your Science Center information packets at the start of the school year.