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OCM BOCES Science Kit Scheduling: Teacher List

Your district has already received the science curriculum materials schedule for the 2017-2018 school year. We now need to collect teacher data from you. It is important that teacher names are assigned to a grade level as accurately as possible. If one teacher teaches more than one section of science at the same grade level please enter the same teacher multiple times, to equal the number of sections taught. If Ms. Smith teachers 3 sections of 5th grade science you will enter Ms. Smith three times.

The teachers listed below have been taken from the Science Center's most current data for your district. You will need to make modifications to reflect the projected list for the next school year. Do this by changing a teacher name, changing a teacher's grade level, deleting a teacher or adding a teacher.

If this is first year your district is receiving curriculum materials units or you are adding a grade level for the first time you will need to add each teacher.

For assistance you can access the Teacher List Directions page (upper right corner) or contact us.

Please update your district’s teacher list by 3:00 Friday, June 30, 2017.

Note: The teacher email is currently an optional. However, having this will allow us to communicate easily with teachers if we need to. If you have the time to include it we would appreciate it.