As a member of O²CM School Library System, schools have access to a variety of Online Resources.
If you have any problems/questions please contact the SLS office (315) 431-8489 or email any member of the SLS Team.
Main Operator | 315.433.2600 |
District Superintendent | 315.433.2602 |
Adult Education | 315.453.4455 |
Business Office | 315.433.2614 |
CNYRIC | 315.433.8300 |
Instructional Support | 315.433.2627 |
Student Services | 315.433.2604 |
Labor Relations | 315.433.2629 |
Personnel | 315.433.2631 |
As a member of O²CM School Library System, schools have access to a variety of Online Resources.
If you have any problems/questions please contact the SLS office (315) 431-8489 or email any member of the SLS Team.