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REGIONAL VIRTUAL CORE LIBRARY                      2011-2012 

Beginning in September 2010 OCM BOCES School Library System started to investigate a Regional Virtual Core Library for  grades 7-12.   In subscribing to the resources as a consortium, each school will see significant savings while providing outstanding content to students and faculty. To date 20 districts and 3 non-public schools have committed to the VCL.The decision to offer the Regional Virtual Core Libray was shared with the Communications Coordinators and BOCES Curriculum Council in the Spring of 2011.

Included in the Virtual Core Library are the following general cross-curricular resources:

Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context supports virtually any curricular need.  Its informed, differing views help students develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions.  It brings balance and perspective to every controversy using targeted arguments from recognized subject-matter experts and top journalistic sources.


Gale Student Resources in Context provides outstanding support for papers, projects and presentations that reinforce development of 21st Century skills like critical thinking and problem solving; communication; collaboration; and creativity and innovation.


The Concept of a Gale Digital Curriculum Portal was developed in May 2011 and offered to the region that spring.  OCM BOCES SLS and  Science Center are partnering with Gale in piloting a regional portal model which is the first of its type in the nation. Earth Science was selected as the course at the suggestion of the BOCES Curriculum Council. 

The Earth Science Digital Curriculum Portal pilot will provide the opportunity for curriculum leaders, librarians and content area teachers to form exciting collaborative partnerships.  The portal will be available during the 2011-2012 school year to those participating in the (VCL)

Because the VCL resources support numerous content areas, Gale will customize this portal by providing access to Science in Context in order to provide robust, deep and more varied science content at no additional charge to partipants.  This will produce an engaging portal for teaching and learning which can provide the possibility of replacing a traditional textbook.

The portal will provide content for  two science units - Meteorology and Climate.

Training Date - November 1, 2011 - AM, PM and afternoon sessions will be available

Description of  Virtual Core Library Resources
Custom Digital Curriculum Solutions
Gale Value Statement
Student Resources in Context Factsheet    
Opposing Viewpoints in Context Factsheet
Stacey Knibloe's Yola Site
 Portal Training Announcement

Recorded Webinar
Earth Science Digital Curriculum Portal Pilot - Student View

 Beyond Textbooks - Digital Curriculum Portal Service Grades 7-12