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OCM BOCES School Improvement CoSer Service

School Improvement Cancellation Policies

  • The cost of many School Improvement projects are calculated based on equitable sharing of costs between participating districts based on the ratio attendees and total cost. These costs need to be estimated prior to the event. As cancellations of shared cost projects results in cost increases for partnering districts, cancellations within 1 week of the event will still be charged to the district.

  • Additionally, for School Improvement projects that are based on a per person cost from the vender supplying the service, cancellation policies may vary depending on the vender. Cancellations that do not abide by the vender’s policies will be charge.

  • The cost of all School Improvement projects are to be shared between participating districts. OCM BOCES is not responsible for covering any costs from venders associated with these projects.

School Improvement Event Planning Form

The School Improvement service provides coordination and state funding for multi-district activities designed to strengthen instruction, raise standards, improve curriculum and assessment practices, and build capactiy to meet State Standards.  Activities may include professional staff development, curriculum development and adaptation, assessment practices, and planning designed to meet Regents' initiatives.  Districts may put funds "on account" for these workshops or pay for each offering individually as staff participate.  Districts are billed for expenses plus a coordination fee.  In order to participate, districts must complete a School Improvement Plan.  See below for requirements and alternative plans.


Multi-District Events (Shared Consultants)  Districts may participate in shared staff development coordinated by BOCES.

  • Events are shared between two or more districts.  A guideline for this would be no more than 60% of the attendees from one district.  Follow-up work in districts may be included.
  • Innovative Teaching & Learning staff coordinates the event in conjunction with the district or department requesting the service.
  • All correspondence regarding the event should come from or be approved by Innovative Teaching & Learning.
  • All money must flow through Innovative Teaching & Learning. (The department takes in all payments and pays all bills.)
  • Amounts charged to districts will be the actual amount incurred.  No profit can result.
  • Primary audience must be certificated staff. (Teachers, TA's, Administrators.)
  • Innovative Teaching & Learning will charge a 10% fee for coordination of the event.

Substitute Reimbursement Shared activities coordinated through BOCES and related to goals in a district's annual School Improvement Plan are eligible for aid on expenditures for teacher substitutes.

  • Events must be BOCES events or coordinated by BOCES.
  • Districts pays the substitute at the District rate.
  • District submits forms with all required information and Superintendent's signature.
  • BOCES will pay the district the total amount, up to our maximum rate.
  • BOCES will bill the district for payment through our normal budget adjustment process, ensuring aid for these expenses.
  • Substitute Reimbursement Form

Teacher Stipends Professional staff at BOCES activities can be paid as BOCES employees.  This typically applies to summer sessions or others outside the school calendar. 

  • All professional staff attending sessions must complete an abridged BOCES application form, and complete Federal and State W-4 forms.
  • Each participant will be appointed by the BOCES Board of Education.  The participant will also need to complete a time sheet in order to be paid.  The BOCES hourly staff and curriculum delvelopment rate will be paid, and deductions for federal and state tax, FICA, and, where appropriate, retirement will be taken.
  • The district will be charged the cost of the stipend, FICA contribution, retirement contribution, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation and a 10% administrative fee.
  • School Improvement Teacher Stipend Employee Data / Record of Time Worked

School Improvement Plans

NYS CoSer 6211 guidelines for the School Improvement Plan state:
"Each participating school district must complete a district plan consistent with the State Initiatives and reflective of the goal of building capacity.  Copies of each district's plan shall be filed in the District Superintendent's office and updated annually.  All Activities in this service must support the effort to set high standards and improve student achievement in New York State.  Required CSPD plans and Technology plans may be embedded in with the district plan.  Each district plan mustnclude the following:

  • Efforts to build local capacity to set high standards and improve student achievement;
  • A description of the needs of the building and the efforts which would meet those needs;
  • Efforts to meet the shared decision making requirement (CR100.11);
  • A description of the specific objectives and activities planned to improve student achievement;
  • An indication of time frame and assignment of responsibility for each activity;
  • Evaluation methods to be used to determine school improvement and increased student achievement over a period of time; and
  • Strategies to make the plan relevant to improving achievement for all students including students classified by the committee for special education."

A District's Professional Development Plan or Comprehensive District Education Plan may be submitted if it meets the guidelines for the School Improvement Plan.

School Improvement COSER Information, Event Planning Form, Substitute Teacher Reimbursement Form, Adjustment to Services Contract, Procedures for Stipends, School Improvement/Model Schools Teacher Stipend Employee Data Sheet forms can be found on the website.

PO Box 4754
Syracuse, NY 13221

Matthew L. Cook, Ed.D.
District Superintendent
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