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× Careers Staff Only Personnel Sub Call-In Service Health & Safety
Main Operator 315.433.2600
District Superintendent 315.433.2602
Adult Education 315.453.4455
Business Office 315.433.2614
CNYRIC 315.433.8300
Instructional Support       315.433.2627
Student Services 315.433.2604
Labor Relations 315.433.2629
Personnel 315.433.2631


Media Kit & Style Guide


The official OCM BOCES colors:

  Pantone 640 Blue
CMYK (C=100, M=0, Y=0, K=22)
  Pantone 534 Blue
CMYK (C=100, M=80, Y=30, K=5)
  Pantone Black
CMYK (C=0, M=0, Y=0, K=100)

Logo Usage

Never manipulate the logo in any way. Manipulation includes modifying the lettering or adding additional elements, shadows, outlines, embellishments or changing proportions. Do not place text or other logos on or near the logo that might imply a connection or relationship that is not pre-approved by OCM BOCES. The colored and black logos should be placed on a white/very light solid background. The white logo should be placed on a black/dark solid background.

In order to maintain the integrity of the logo it is important to give the logo a minimum clear space. The clear space is measured by the x-height of the OCM BOCES text in the horizontal version of the logo, or 1/2 the x-height of the persons body in the snowflake version of the logo. The clear space must always be a minimum of the x-height on all sides of the logo.

When reproducing the logo, be conscious of its size and legibility. The logo should never appear less than 3/4 inches tall in printed materials and no less that 36px tall in digital.

OCM BOCES reserves the right to request the removal of any logo which it feels is being used in a manner inconsistant with it's policies.

Logo Downloads

Click on logos below to open in full size, then right click to download.


Unsure of proper usage or any Marketing & Communications questions in general?
Please contact the OCM BOCES Marketing Department.
Thank you for your support of OCM BOCES!