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Practical Nursing - Mission and Philosophy


Institutional Mission

We commit to provide our community with the highest quality education and training necessary to successfully meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Program Mission

We commit to provide a quality nursing education program that will graduate professional, competent, and safe practical nurses to serve our community.

Program Philosophy 

The faculty believes that nursing is the provision of safe, quality, patient-centered care. Nurses are patient advocates through collaboration with the interprofessional healthcare team. The use of informatics contributes to evidence-based practice for improved patient outcomes. Nurses are leaders in healthcare, recognizing the privilege of serving patients in an increasingly complex healthcare environment. 

The faculty believes that the purpose of nursing education is to facilitate engagement in a student-centered learning environment.  Faculty members have a responsibility to provide nursing education through a variety of learning strategies.  We, as a faculty, are committed to lifelong learning and role model professionalism and leadership to our students.  

Students are accountable for their own learning. Students have the responsibility for being prepared for learning experiences and for being active, enthusiastic learners. In all communication, students should exhibit respect, politeness and honesty.


For More Information
Sign up here for program and registration information.