Students in our Career & Technical Education programs engage with local communities on a regular basis, taking on projects that help local municipalities and other groups save significant time and money.
Here are just a few recent examples:
- Construction students in Jim Bender’s classes at our Cortlandville Campus recently built four wooden theater stages, a ramp and a set of stairs for the Cortland Youth Bureau so they can be used for concerts and other events this summer in Courthouse Park. In the photo, from left to right, are seniors Zach Williams-Bachman from Homer, Logan Bedford from Tully, Charles Batsford from Cortland, and Holly Vallese from Cortland. All four worked on the project.
- Students at our Cortlandville Campus gave the Cortland Police Department a huge assist by building 12 wooden police barricades for the annual Cortland County Dairy Parade on June 4. Seniors Colin McNeill (in photo) and Kayne Smith were instrumental in completing the project for the police.
- Under the supervision of Instructor Mike Cavender, construction students at our Thompson Road Campus built and painted 18 Adirondack chairs for the town of Lysander so they can be used in a town park off Smokey Hollow Road. Cavendar said the students worked with a $1,500 budget for the project.