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Celebrating Reading


Read Across America Day is Wednesday March 2nd, but the Special Ed. Program at CTC is celebrating Dr. Seuss’s Birthday all week. Each day students and staff are dressing up to celebrate this occasion. 
Monday: students were treated to a Green Eggs and Ham (and pancakes!) breakfast while they dressed in green.
Tuesday was stars and Stripes day.  While wearing striped clothing, students and staff who were caught doing something kind were given a star to wear.
Wednesday everyone was able to come to school in Pajamas!  Crazy socks were the theme for Thursday and Friday to honor the Cat in the Hat, everyone will be wearing a hat. 
Throughout the week classrooms and bulletin boards were decorated for the occasion.  Students were treated with celebrity readers, a scavenger hunt (for Dr. Seuss books), a birthday cake and a celebration parade.  All activities were developed to engage the students in to reading the classic works of Dr. Seuss.