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Innovation Tech Frequently Asked Questions


How do students enroll?
Interested students and families need to contact their school guidance office. The guidance staff goes through their district's process for filling their allotted slots and enrolling students (this is done differently at each district).


Are students at Innovation Tech all day?
Yes, students will attend a full academic day at Innovation Tech.


Which classes do students take?
Students are responsible to complete all New York State graduation requirements. Most classes will be interdisciplinary and project-based covering required curriculum and meeting all standards.


What is Project Based Learning?
Project-based learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges while working with business or community partners. They present their work and proposed solutions to authentic audiences. With this type of active and engaged learning, students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying.


Will there be an opportunity to earn college credits?
Innovation Tech students will have the opportunity to earn at least 12 college credits through partnerships with local colleges.


What type of technology will be available to Innovation Tech students?
Modern technology – which students use so much in their lives – is a perfect fit with PBL. With technology, teachers and students can connect with experts, partners, and audiences around the world, and use tech tools to find resources and information, create products, and collaborate more effectively. At Innovation Tech each student will have an electronic learning device (such as a laptop), each classroom will be equipped with a Smartboard, and students will have access to the most up-to-date software. Student projects, assignments, and grades are managed through a platform called ECHO. Parents, too, have assess to their children’s progress through ECHO.


Are internships and career exploration embedded in the program?
At Innovation Tech students will be engaged in real world learning and have the opportunity to explore career fields which interest them through internships with local businesses. As a result of their projects they will develop relationships with local business and community leaders. Students are also expected to participate in an internship.


Where is the school located?
The school will be located in a redesigned wing of the OCM BOCES Lee G. Peters Career Training Center at 4500 Crown Road, Liverpool, N.Y.


Is transportation provided?
Yes, busing is provided by the home school district.


Can students participate in extra-curricular activities?
Students are able to participate in extra-curricular activities at their home high school.


Do students get report cards?
Students will have access to their grades on a continual basis through ECHO, a project management system. Official report cards will be issued by Innovation Tech every ten weeks.


Do students participate in state/standardized testing?
Students are required to take all required New York State Regents exams. The track record of students at other New Tech schools is very good when it comes to standardized tests.


When students graduate, are their diplomas from Innovation Tech?
No, students receive diplomas from their home high school. There will be a separate certificate that documents successful completion of New Tech.


How is discipline handled?
If a discipline issue arises, we work through a progressive discipline model. We believe that students will learn from their mistakes and move forward. We honor suspensions given out by the home district and will inform the district if a student receives a suspension from Innovation Tech.


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