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Virtual Learning Academy


Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose remote?

While most students need an in-person connection with teachers and classmates to be successful in school, the abrupt switch to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that some students prefer a virtual model and actually perform better as a result. For the 2021-2022 school year, the Virtual Learning Academy at OCM BOCES will provide this educational alternative to ensure these students achieve success.

What characteristics must a student possess to be successful with this model of learning?

This program is designed for all students who are committed to attending school online and willing to put their best effort forward. A student's disposition and motivation, rather than their academic standing, are key factors in determining whether this model of learning is a good fit. Our team of educators will proactively support students to keep them motivated and on track for successful completion of coursework. A strong school-to-home connection will ensure parents and caregivers are able to support their child's success.

Who will be teaching the classes?

Certified teachers from OCM BOCES and support staff will facilitate grade-level and content-area instruction. Teachers will engage students through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences. Synchronous learning requires simultaneous attendance at scheduled meetings or lectures, while asynchronous learning allows students to access materials, ask questions, and practice their skills at any time that works for them.

In addition to certified teachers, a building leader, special education learning specialist, and school counselors will round out the team.

How large are the classes?

Learning will happen in smaller class sizes through this online platform. This lower student-to-teacher ratio will cultivate supportive classroom communities and help ensure that students consistently receive individualized attention.

Are there opportunities for students to receive extra help or to meet with their teachers?

Yes. Building strong student/teacher relationships will be an important part of the Virtual Learning Academy at OCM BOCES. Students will be able to access support in multiple ways.

What schedule will students follow?

Students will follow the OCM BOCES academic year calendar, which is developed to align as closely as possible with our 23 component school district calendars. Each academy will have age-appropriate daily schedules, which are still being developed.

Will a student still be able to participate in their home school's extracurricular activities?

Yes. Students will retain their home school identity and access to athletics, clubs, and other after-school activities.

Who grants the students their credit for OCM BOCES Virtual Learning Academy?

Students successfully earning 65% or higher will get credit for the online course. The credit is awarded by the local high school principal. Course credit varies depending on the course the student is enrolled in. This process is similar to the manner in which credits are granted for other OCM BOCES instructional programs, such as Career & Technical Education, Special Education, and Innovative Education programs.

How will students take required State assessments?

This process is still being researched and discussed. We anticipate that the state will require students to be in physical attendance at the home school district for the administration of grade 3-8 state assessments as well as for Regents examinations. We are working closely with our component school districts to determine an environment that would meet state requirements and provide students with the greatest opportunity for success.

What are the technology requirements for the program, and who will provide them?

OCM BOCES will provide all students with a Chromebook and other necessary tools to complete the program. Parents will not be expected to provide devices for learning. OCM BOCES will also provide students and parents with assistance in addressing technological issues such as poor internet connectivity or lack of broadband service.

How do students apply?

Families should contact their school counselor or principal if they wish to apply to the OCM BOCES Virtual Learning Academy. All registrations are handled through the home school district.

Can the program grow if there are additional student enrollments?

Absolutely. This program is built around small class sizes. Pricing is based on a minimum K-12 enrollment of 280, and the program and budget are designed to scale upwards from this point. There may be a small waiting period as quality staff are being recruited and trained.

What are the registration deadlines?

OCM BOCES is working with its component school districts to ascertain the level of interest among families. An ambitious timeline has been developed to allow sufficient time to recruit and train the best teachers possible for this innovative new program. Continued preparation for the OCM BOCES Virtual Learning Academy is now underway to ensure we are ready to serve students in September 2021.